Lab: Implementing and configuring network infrastructure services in Windows Server


Contoso, Ltd. is a large organization with complex requirements for network services. To help meet these requirements, you will deploy and configure DHCP so that it is highly available to ensure service availability. You will also set up DNS so that Trey Research, a department within Contoso, can have its own DNS server in the testing area. Finally, you will provide remote access to Windows Admin Center and secure it with Web Application Proxy.

Note: An interactive lab simulation is available that allows you to click through this lab at your own pace. You may find slight differences between the interactive simulation and the hosted lab, but the core concepts and ideas being demonstrated are the same.


After completing this lab, you’ll be able to:

  • Deploy and configure DHCP.
  • Deploy and configure DNS.

Estimated time: 60 minutes

Lab Setup

Virtual machines: AZ-800T00A-SEA-DC1AZ-800T00A-SEA-SVR1, and AZ-800T00A-ADM1 must be running. Other VMs can be running, but they aren’t required for this lab.

NoteAZ-800T00A-SEA-DC1AZ-800T00A-SEA-SVR1, and AZ-800T00A-SEA-ADM1 virtual machines are hosting the installation of SEA-DC1SEA-SVR1, and SEA-ADM1

  1. Select SEA-ADM1.
  2. Sign in using the following credentials:
    • Username: Administrator
    • Password: Pa55w.rd
    • Domain: CONTOSO

For this lab, you’ll use the available VM environment.

Exercise 1: Deploying and configuring DHCP


The Trey Research subdivision of Contoso has a separate office with only about 50 users. They have been manually configuring IP addresses on all of their computers and want to begin using DHCP instead. You will install DHCP on SEA-SVR1 with a scope for the Trey Research site. Additionally, you will configure DHCP Failover by using the new DHCP server for high availability with SEA-DC1.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

  1. Install the DHCP role.
  2. Authorize the DHCP server.
  3. Create a scope.
  4. Configure DHCP Failover.
  5. Verify DHCP functionality.

Task 1: Install the DHCP role

  1. On SEA-ADM1, start Windows PowerShell as Administrator.

    Note: Perform the next two steps in case you have not already installed Windows Admin Center on SEA-ADM1.

  2. In the Windows PowerShell console, run the following command to download the latest version of Windows Admin Center:
    Start-BitsTransfer -Source -Destination "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\WindowsAdminCenter.msi"
  3. Run the following command to install Windows Admin Center:
    Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList "/i $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\WindowsAdminCenter.msi /qn /L*v log.txt REGISTRY_REDIRECT_PORT_80=1 SME_PORT=443 SSL_CERTIFICATE_OPTION=generate"

    Note: Wait until the installation completes. This should take about 2 minutes.

  4. On SEA-ADM1, start Microsoft Edge and connect to the local instance of Windows Admin Center at

    Note: If the link does not work, on SEA-ADM1, browse to the WindowsAdminCenter.msi file, open the context menu for it, and then select Repair. After the repair completes, refresh Microsoft Edge.

  5. If prompted, in the Windows Security dialog box, enter the following credentials, and then select OK:
    • Username: CONTOSO\\Administrator
    • Password: Pa55w.rd
  6. In Windows Admin Center, add a connection to and connect to it as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password of Pa55w.rd.
  7. In the Tools list, use Roles & features to install the DHCP role on SEA-SVR1.
  8. In the Tools list, browse to the DHCP tool and install the DHCP PowerShell tools.

    Note: If the DHCP entry is not available in the Tools pane for, refresh the Microsoft Edge page and try again.

Task 2: Authorize the DHCP server

  1. On SEA-ADM1, open Server Manager.
  2. In Server Manager, open Notifications, open Complete DHCP configuration, and then complete the DHCP Post-Install Configuration Wizard by using the default options.

Task 3: Create a scope

  1. On SEA-ADM1, in Windows Admin Center, while connected to, use the DHCP tool to create a new scope with the following settings:
    • Protocol: IPv4
    • Name: ContosoClients
    • Starting IP address:
    • Ending IP address:
    • DHCP client subnet mask:
    • Router (default gateway):
    • Lease duration for DHCP clients: 4 days
  2. From the Tools menu of Server Manager, open the DHCP management console.
  3. In the DHCP management console, add all authorized servers ( and
  4. In the DHCP management console, browse to the DHCP server node, and then, in the ContosoClients scope, add the scope option 006 DNS Servers with the value

Task 4: Configure DHCP Failover

  1. On SEA-ADM1, in the DHCP management console, browse to the IPv4 node of the DHCP server and configure failover of the ContosoClients scope with using the following settings:
    • Relationship Name: SEA-SVR1 to SEA-DC1
    • Maximum Client Lead Time: 1 hour
    • Mode: Hot standby
    • Role of Partner Server: Standby
    • Addresses reserved for standby server: 5%
    • State Switchover Interval: Disabled
    • Enable Message Authentication: Enabled
    • Shared Secret: DHCP-Failover
  2. Verify that SEA-SVR1 has only one scope.
  3. Verify that SEA-DC1 has now two scopes.
  4. On SEA-ADM1, in the DHCP management console, browse to the IPv4 node of the DHCP server and configure failover of the Contoso scope with, using the settings of the existing failover relationship.
  5. Verify that both scopes now appear within the IPv4 node of (SEA-SVR1).

Task 5: Verify DHCP functionality

  1. On SEA-ADM1, change the IP configuration from statically to dynamically assigned.
  2. Examine the resulting IP configuration and verify that the DHCP lease was obtained from SEA-SVR1 (
  3. On SEA-ADM1, in the DHCP management console, verify that both DHCP servers list the lease for SEA-ADM1 in the Contoso scope.
  4. On SEA-ADM1, use the DHCP management console to stop the DHCP service on SEA-SVR1 (
  5. Force renewal of the lease by disabling and re-enabling the Ethernet network connection on SEA-ADM1.
  6. On SEA-ADM1, verify that the same DHCP lease is obtained from SEA-DC1 (

Exercise 2: Deploying and configuring DNS


The staff who work at the Trey Research location within Contoso need to have their own DNS server to create records in their test environment. However, their test environment still needs to be able to resolve Internet DNS names and resource records for Contoso. To meet these needs, you are configuring forwarding to your Internet service provider (ISP) and creating a conditional forwarder for to SEA-DC1. There is also a test application that needs a different IP address resolution based on user location. You are using DNS policies to configure to resolve differently for users at the head office.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

  1. Install the DNS role.
  2. Create a DNS zone.
  3. Configure forwarding.
  4. Configure conditional forwarding.
  5. Configure DNS policies.
  6. Verify DNS policy functionality.

Task 1: Install the DNS role

  1. On SEA-ADM1, use Roles & features in the Tools list of Windows Admin Center connected to to install the DNS role on SEA-SVR1.
  2. In the Tools list, browse to the DNS tool and install the DNS PowerShell tools.

    Note: If the DNS entry is not available in the Tools list for, refresh the Microsoft Edge page and try again.

Task 2: Create a DNS zone

  1. On SEA-ADM1, in Windows Admin Center, while connected to, use the DNS tool to create a new DNS zone with the following settings:
    • Zone type: Primary
    • Zone name:
    • Zone file: Create a new file
    • Zone file name:
    • Dynamic update: Do not allow dynamic update
  2. In Windows Admin Center, while connected to, use the DNS tool to create a new DNS record in the zone with the following settings:
    • DNS record type: Host (A)
    • Record name: TestApp
    • IP address:
    • Time to live: 600
  3. On SEA-ADM1, in the Windows PowerShell console, run the following command to verify that the newly created record resolves properly:
     Resolve-DnsName -Server -Name

Task 3: Configure forwarding

  1. On SEA-ADM1, from the Tools menu of Server Manager, open the DNS Manager console.
  2. In DNS Manager, connect to
  3. In the properties of, on the Forwarders tab, configure as a forwarder.

Task 4: Configure conditional forwarding

  1. On SEA-ADM1, in DNS Manager, while connected to, create a new conditional forwarder for that forwards requests to (
  2. On SEA-ADM1, in the Windows PowerShell console, run the following command to verify that the conditional forwarder is operational:
     Resolve-DnsName -Server -Name

Task 5: Configure DNS policies

  1. On SEA-ADM1, in Windows Admin Center, while connected to, use PowerShell in the Tools list to establish PowerShell Remoting session.
  2. At the Windows PowerShell prompt, run the following command to create a head office subnet:
     Add-DnsServerClientSubnet -Name "HeadOfficeSubnet" -IPv4Subnet ""
  3. Run the following command to create a zone scope for head office:
     Add-DnsServerZoneScope -ZoneName "" -Name "HeadOfficeScope"
  4. Run the following command to create a new resource record for the head office scope:
     Add-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName "" -A -Name "testapp" -IPv4Address "" -ZoneScope "HeadOfficeScope"
  5. Run the following command to create a new policy that links the head office subnet and the zone scope:
     Add-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name "HeadOfficePolicy" -Action ALLOW -ClientSubnet "eq,HeadOfficeSubnet" -ZoneScope "HeadOfficeScope,1" -ZoneName ""

Task 6: Verify DNS policy functionality

  1. On SEA-ADM1, in the Windows PowerShell console, run ipconfig to verify that SEA-ADM1 is on the HeadOfficeSubnet (
  2. In the Windows PowerShell console, run the following command to test the DNS policy:
     Resolve-DnsName -Server -Name

    Note: Verify that the name resolves to the IP address that was configured in the HeadOfficePolicy.

  3. Change the IP address assigned to SEA-ADM1 from to an IP address ( that is not within the IP address range of the HeadOfficeSubnet.
  4. In the Windows PowerShell console, run the following command to test the DNS policy:
     Resolve-DnsName -Server -Name

    Note: Verify that the name resolves to This is expected, because the IP address of SEA-ADM1 is no longer within the HeadOfficeSubnet. DNS queries originating from the HeadOfficeSubnet of ( targeting resolve to DNS queries from outside of this subnet targeting resolve to

  5. Change the IP address of SEA-ADM1 back to its original value.

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