lab | ||||
Lab: Implementing identity services and Group Policy
You are working as an administrator at Contoso Ltd. The company is expanding its business with several new locations. The Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Administration team is currently evaluating methods available in Windows Server for rapid and remote domain controller deployment. The team is also searching for a way to automate certain AD DS administrative tasks. Additionally, the team wants to establish configuration management based on Group Policy Objects (GPO) and enterprise certification authority (CA) hierarchy.
After completing this lab, you’ll be able to:
Deploy a new domain controller on Server Core.
Configure Group Policy.
Deploy, manage, and use digital certificates.
Estimated time: 60 minutes
Lab setup
Virtual machines: WS-011T00A-SEA-DC1, WS-011T00A-SEA-SVR1, WS-011T00A-SEA-ADM1, and WS-011T00A-SEA-CL1
User Name: Contoso\Administrator
Password: Pa55w.rd
Lab setup
Select SEA-DC1.
Sign in using the following credentials:
- User name: Administrator
- Password: Pa55w.rd
- Domain: Contoso
Repeat these steps for SEA-ADM1, SEA-SVR1, and SEA-CL1.
Exercise 1: Deploying a new domain controller on Server Core
As a part of business restructuring, Contoso wants to deploy new domain controllers in remote sites with minimal engagement of IT in remote locations. You need to use DC deployment to deploy new domain controllers.
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:
- Deploy AD DS on a new Windows Server Core server.
- Manage AD DS objects with GUI tools and with Windows PowerShell.
Task 1: Deploy AD DS on a new Windows Server Core server
- Switch to SEA-ADM1 and from Server Manager, open Windows PowerShell.
- Use the Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet in Windows PowerShell to install the AD DS role on SEA-SVR1.
- Use the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet to verify the installation.
- Ensure that you select the check boxes for Active Directory Domain Services, Remote Server Administration Tools, and Role Administration Tools. For the AD DS and AD LDS Tools nodes, only the Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell should be installed, and not the graphical tools, such as the Active Directory Administrative Center.
Note: If you centrally manage your servers, you will not usually need GUI tools on each server. If you want to install them, you need to specify the AD DS tools by running the Add-WindowsFeature cmdlet with the RSAT-ADDS command name.
Note: You might need to wait after the installation process completes before verifying that the AD DS role has installed. If you do not observe the expected results from the Get-WindowsFeature command, you can try again after a few minutes.
Task 2: Prepare the AD DS installation and promote a remote server
On SEA-ADM1, from Server Manager, on the All Servers node, add SEA-SVR1 as a managed server.
On SEA-ADM1, from Server Manager, configure SEA-SVR1 as an AD DS domain controller by using the following settings:
- Type: Additional domain controller for existing domain
- Domain:
- Credentials: Contoso\Administrator with the password Pa55w.rd
- Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM) password: Pa55w.rd
- Do not remove the selections for DNS and the global catalog
On the Review Options page, select View Script.
In Notepad, edit the generated Windows PowerShell script as follows:
- Delete the comment lines, which begin with the number sign (#).
- Remove the Import-Module line.
- Remove the grave accents (`) at the end of each line.
- Remove the line breaks.
Now that the Install-ADDSDomainController command and all the parameters are on one line, copy the command.
Switch to the Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard, and then select Cancel.
Switch to Windows PowerShell, and then at the command prompt, enter the following command:
Invoke-Command –ComputerName SEA-SVR1 { }
Paste the copied command between the braces ({ }), and then select Enter to start the installation. The complete command should be as follows:
Invoke-Command –ComputerName SEA-SVR1 {Install-ADDSDomainController -NoGlobalCatalog:\$false -CreateDnsDelegation:\$false -Credential (Get-Credential) -CriticalReplicationOnly:\$false -DatabasePath "C:\Windows\NTDS" -DomainName "Contoso.com" -InstallDns:\$true -LogPath "C:\Windows\NTDS" -NoRebootOnCompletion:\$false -SiteName "Default-First-Site-Name" -SysvolPath "C:\Windows\SYSVOL" -Force:\$true}
Provide the following credentials:
- User name: Contoso\Administrator
- Password: Pa55w.rd
Enter and confirm the SafeModeAdministratorPassword as Pa55w.rd.
After SEA-SVR1 restarts, on SEA-ADM1, switch to Server Manager, and then on the left side, select the AD D node. Note that SEA-SVR1 has been added as a domain controller and that the warning notification has disappeared. You might have to select Refresh.
Task 3: Manage objects in AD DS
Switch to SEA-ADM1 and switch to Windows PowerShell.
Create an organizational unit (OU) called Seattle in the domain by running the following command:
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name:"Seattle" -Path:"DC=Contoso,DC=com" -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion:$true -Server:"SEA-DC1.Contoso.com"
Create a user account for Ty Carlson in the Seattle OU by running the following command:
New-ADUser -Name Ty -DisplayName "Ty Carlson" -GivenName Ty -Surname Carlson -Path "ou=Seattle,dc=contoso,dc=com"
Run the following command to set the password as Pa55w.rd:
Set-ADAccountPassword Ty
Note: The current password is blank.
Run the following command to enable the account:
Enable-ADAccount Ty
Test the account by switching to SEA-CL1, and then sign in as Ty with the password Pa55w.rd.
On SEA-ADM1, in the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, run the following command:
New-ADGroup SeattleBranchUsers -Path "ou=Seattle,dc=contoso,dc=com" -GroupScope Global -GroupCategory Security
In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, run the following command:
Add-ADGroupMember SeattleBranchUsers -Members Ty
Confirm that the user is in the group by running the following command:
Get-ADGroupMember SeattleBranchUsers
After this exercise, you should have successfully created a new domain controller and managed objects in AD DS.
Exercise 2: Configuring Group Policy
As a part of Group Policy implementation, you want to import custom administrative templates for Office apps and configure settings.
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:
- Create and edit GPO settings.
- Apply and verify settings on the client computer.
Task 1: Create and edit a GPO
- On SEA-ADM1, from Server Manager, open Group Policy Management Console.
- Create a GPO named Contoso Standards in the Group Policy Objects container.
- Edit the Contoso Standards policy, and then navigate to User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System.
- Prevent users from accessing the registry by enabling the Prevent access to registry editing tools policy setting.
- Navigate to the User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Personalization folder, and then configure the Screen saver timeout policy to 600 seconds.
- Enable the Password protect the screen saver policy setting, and then close the Group Policy Management Editor window.
Task 2: Link the GPO
- Link the Contoso Standards GPO to the
Task 3: Review the effects of the GPO’s settings
- Sign in to SEA-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password Pa55w.rd.
- Open Control Panel.
- In Windows Defender Firewall, allow Remote Event Log Management and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) traffic.
- Sign out and then sign in as Contoso\Ty with the password Pa55w.rd.
- Attempt to change the screen saver wait time and resume settings. Group Policy prevents you from doing this.
- Attempt to run Registry Editor. Group Policy prevents you from doing this.
Task 4: Create and link the required GPOs
- On SEA-ADM1, in Group Policy Management Console, create a new GPO named Seattle Application Override that is linked to the Seattle OU.
- Configure the Screen saver timeout policy setting to be disabled, and then close the Group Policy Management Editor window.
Task 5: Verify the order of precedence
- In the Group Policy Management Console tree, select the Seattle OU.
- Select the Group Policy Inheritance tab.
Notice that the Seattle Application Override GPO has precedence over the Contoso Standards GPO. The screen saver time-out policy setting that you just configured in the Seattle Application Override GPO will be applied after the setting in the Contoso Standards GPO. Therefore, the new setting will overwrite the standards setting and will prevail. Screen saver time-out will be unavailable for users within the scope of the Seattle Application Override GPO.
Task 6: Configure the scope of a GPO with security filtering
On SEA-ADM1, in Group Policy Management Console, select the Seattle Application Override GPO. Notice that in the Security Filtering section, the GPO applies by default to all authenticated users.
In the Security Filtering section, remove Authenticated Users, add the SeattleBranchUsers group, and SEA-CL1.
Note: You may need to sign off and sign back on as Contoso\Ty on SEA-CL1 before preceding with the next step.
Task 7: Verify the application of settings
- In Group Policy Management, select Group Policy Results in the navigation pane.
- Launch the Group Policy Results Wizard.
- Select the SEA-CL1 computer and the CONTOSO\Ty user account.
- After the report is created, in the details pane, select the Details tab, and then select show all.
- In the report, scroll down until you locate the User Details section, and then locate the Control Panel/Personalization section. You should notice that the Screen save timeout settings are obtained from the Seattle Application Override GPO.
After this exercise, you should have successfully created and configured GPOs.
Exercise 3: Deploying and using certificate services
Contoso has expanded; therefore, its security requirements also have increased. The security department is particularly interested in enabling secure access to critical websites and in providing additional security for some features. To address these and other security requirements, Contoso has decided to implement a public key infrastructure (PKI) by using the AD CS role in Windows Server. As a senior network administrator, you are responsible for implementing certificate enrollment. You also will be developing the procedures and process for managing certificate templates.
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:
- Create a new template based on the web server template.
- Enroll the Web server certificate on SEA-DC1.
Task 1: Create a new template based on the Web Server template
- On SEA-ADM1, in Server Manager, select Tools, and then select Certification Authority.
- Retarget the console to point to SEA-DC1.
- In the Certification Authority console, open the Certificate Templates Console.
- Duplicate the Web Server template.
- Create a new template, and then name it Production Web Server.
- Configure validity for 3 years.
- Configure the private key as exportable.
- Publish the CRL on SEA-DC1.
Task 2: Configure templates so that they can be issued
- Issue the certificates based on the Production Web Server template.
Task 3: Enroll the Web Server certificate on SEA-ADM1
- Switch to Windows PowerShell and run the following command:
Install-WindowsFeature Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools
Open Server Manager, and then open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Note: You may need to restart Certificate Services on SEA-DC1 for the next step to work.
Enroll for a domain certificate by using the following settings:
- Common name:
- Organization: Contoso
- Organizational unit: IT
- City/locality: Seattle
- State/province: WA
- Country/region: US
- Friendly name: sea-adm1
- Common name:
Create an HTTPS binding for the default website, and then associate it with the sea-adm1 certificate.
After completing this exercise, you should have configured certificate templates and managed certificates.