Lab answer key: Using Windows Admin Center in hybrid scenarios
Note: An interactive lab simulation is available that allows you to click through this lab at your own pace. You may find slight differences between the interactive simulation and the hosted lab, but the core concepts and ideas being demonstrated are the same.
Exercise 1: Provisioning Azure VMs running Windows Server
Task 1: Create an Azure resource group by using an Azure Resource Manager template
- Connect to SEA-ADM1, and if needed, sign in as CONTOSO\Administrator with a password of Pa55w.rd.
- On SEA-ADM1, start Microsoft Edge, go to the Azure portal at
, and sign in by using the credentials of a user account with the Owner role in the subscription you’ll be using in this lab. - In the Azure portal, open the Cloud Shell pane by selecting the toolbar icon directly next to the search text box.
- If prompted to select either Bash or PowerShell, select PowerShell.
Note: If this is the first time you are starting Cloud Shell and you are presented with the You have no storage mounted message, select the subscription you are using in this lab, and then select Create storage.
- In the toolbar of the Cloud Shell pane, select the Upload/Download files icon, in the drop-down menu, select Upload, and then upload the C:\Labfiles\Lab04\L04-sub_template.json file to the Cloud Shell home directory.
- From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following commands to create a resource group that will contain the resources you provision in this lab. (Replace the
<Azure region>
placeholder with the name of an Azure region into which you can deploy Azure virtual machines, such as eastus.)Note: This lab has been tested and verified using East US, so you should use that region. In general, to identify Azure regions where you can provision Azure VMs, refer to Find Azure credit offers in your region.
Code$location = '<Azure region>' $rgName = 'AZ800-L0401-RG' New-AzSubscriptionDeployment ` -Location $location ` -Name az800l04subDeployment ` -TemplateFile $HOME/L04-sub_template.json ` -rgLocation $location ` -rgName $rgName
Task 2: Create an Azure VM by using an Azure Resource Manager template
- From the Cloud Shell pane, upload an Azure Resource Manager template C:\Labfiles\Lab04\L04-rg_template.json and the corresponding Azure Resource Manager parameter file C:\Labfiles\Lab04\L04-rg_template.parameters.json.
- From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to deploy an Azure VM running Windows Server that you’ll be using in this lab:Code
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment ` -Name az800l04rgDeployment ` -ResourceGroupName $rgName ` -TemplateFile $HOME/L04-rg_template.json ` -TemplateParameterFile $HOME/L04-rg_template.parameters.json
Note: Wait for the deployment to complete before you proceed to the next exercise. The deployment should take about 5 minutes.
- In the Azure portal, close the Cloud Shell pane.
- In the Azure portal, in the Search resources, services, and docs text box in the toolbar, search for and select the az800l04-vnet virtual network.
- On the az800l04-vnet page, select Subnets, and then, on the Subnets page, select + Gateway subnet.
- On the Add subnet page, set the Subnet address range to, and then select Save to create the GatewaySubnet.
Exercise 2: Implementing hybrid connectivity by using the Azure Network Adapter
Task 1: Register Windows Admin Center with Azure
- On SEA-ADM1, select Start, and then select Windows PowerShell (Admin).
Note: Perform the next two steps in case you have not already installed Windows Admin Center on SEA-ADM1.
- In the Windows PowerShell console, enter the following command, and then press Enter to download the latest version of Windows Admin Center:Code
Start-BitsTransfer -Source https://aka.ms/WACDownload -Destination "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\WindowsAdminCenter.msi"
- Enter the following command, and then press Enter to install Windows Admin Center:Code
Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList "/i $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\WindowsAdminCenter.msi /qn /L*v log.txt REGISTRY_REDIRECT_PORT_80=1 SME_PORT=443 SSL_CERTIFICATE_OPTION=generate"
Note: Wait until the installation completes. This should take about 2 minutes.
- On SEA-ADM1, start Microsoft Edge, and then browse to
.Note: If the link does not work, on SEA-ADM1, open File Explorer, select Downloads folder, in the Downloads folder select WindowsAdminCenter.msi file and install manually. After the install completes, refresh Microsoft Edge.
Note: If you get NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID error, select Advanced on the Edge browser page, at the bottom of page select Continue to sea-adm1-contoso.com (unsafe).
- If prompted, in the Windows Security dialog box, enter the following credentials, and then select OK:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
- On the All connections page, select the sea-adm1.contoso.com entry.
- In Windows Admin Center, select Networks, and then select + Add Azure Network Adapter (Preview).
Note: Depending on the screen resolution, you might need to select the ellipsis icon if the Actions menu is not available.
- When prompted, in the Add Azure Network Adapter window, select Register Windows Admin Center to Azure.
Note: This will automatically display the Azure pane on the Settings page within Windows Admin Center.
- In Windows Admin Center, in the Azure pane, on the Settings page, select Register.
- In the Get started with Azure in Windows Admin Center pane, select Copy to copy the code displayed in the listing of the steps of the registration procedure.
- In the listing of step of the registration procedure, select the Enter the code link.
Note: This will open another tab in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Enter code page.
- In the Enter code text box, paste the code you copied into Clipboard, and then select Next.
- On the Sign in page, provide the same username that you used to sign into your Azure subscription in the previous exercise, select Next, provide the corresponding password, and then select Sign in.
- When prompted Are you trying to sign in to Windows Admin Center?, select Continue.
- In Windows Admin Center, verify that the sign in was successful and close the newly opened tab of the Microsoft Edge window.
- In the Get started with Azure in Windows Admin Center pane, ensure that Microsoft Entra application is set to Create new, and then select Connect.
- In the listing of the steps of the registration procedure, select Sign in. This will open a pop-up window labeled Permissions requested.
- In the Permissions requested pop-up window, select Consent on behalf of your organization, and then select Accept.
Task 2: Create an Azure Network Adapter
- On SEA-ADM1, back in the Microsoft Edge window displaying Windows Admin Center, browse to the sea-adm1.contoso.com page, and then select Networks.
- In Windows Admin Center, on the Networks page, from the Actions menu, select the + Add Azure Network Adapter (Preview) entry again.
- In the Add Azure Network Adapter settings pane, specify the following settings, and then select Create (leave others with their default values):
Setting Value Subscription The name of the Azure subscription you are using in this lab Location eastus Virtual network az800l04-vnet Gateway subnet Gateway SKU VpnGw1 Client Address Space Authentication Certificate Auto-generated Self-signed root and client Certificate - On SEA-ADM1, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, in the Search resources, services, and docs text box in the toolbar, search for and select Virtual network gateways.
- On the Virtual network gateways page, select Refresh and verify that the new entry with the name starting with WAC-Created-vpngw-ID_NO appears in the list of virtual network gateways.
Note: The provisioning of the Azure virtual network gateway can take up to 45 minutes. Do not wait for the provisioning to complete but instead proceed to the next exercise.
Exercise 3: Deploying Windows Admin Center gateway in Azure
Task 1: Install Windows Admin Center gateway in Azure
- On SEA-ADM1, switch to the browser window displaying the Azure portal.
- Back in the Azure portal, open the Cloud Shell pane by selecting the Cloud Shell icon.
- In the toolbar of the Cloud Shell pane, select the Upload/Download files icon, in the drop-down menu, select Upload, and then upload the C:\Labfiles\Lab04\Deploy-WACAzVM.ps1 file into the Cloud Shell home directory.
- From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to enable the compatibility for the AzureRm PowerShell cmdlets that are used by the Windows Admin Center provisioning script:Code
Enable-AzureRmAlias -Scope Process
- From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following commands to set the values of variables necessary to run the Windows Admin Center provisioning script:Code
$rgName = 'AZ800-L0401-RG' $vnetName = 'az800l04-vnet' $nsgName = 'az800l04-web-nsg' $subnetName = 'subnet1' $location = 'eastus' $pipName = 'wac-public-ip' $size = 'Standard_D2s_v3'
- From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following commands to set the script parameters variable:Code
$scriptParams = @{ ResourceGroupName = $rgName Name = 'az800l04-vmwac' VirtualNetworkName = $vnetName SubnetName = $subnetName GenerateSslCert = $true size = $size PublicIPAddressName = $pipName SecurityGroupName = $nsgName }
- From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following commands to disable certificate verification for PowerShell remoting (when prompted to confirm the installation from an untrusted repository, enter A and press Enter):Code
Install-Module -Name pswsman
CodeDisable-WSManCertVerification -All
- From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to launch the provisioning script:Code
./Deploy-WACAzVM.ps1 @scriptParams
- When prompted to provide the name for the local Administrator account, enter Student
- When prompted to provide the password for the local Administrator account, enter Pa55w.rd1234
Note: Wait for the provisioning script to complete. This might take about 5 minutes.
- Verify that the script completed successfully and note the final message providing the URL containing the fully qualified name of the Azure VM that hosts the Windows Admin Center installation.
Note: Record the fully qualified name of the Azure VM. You will need it later in this lab.
- Close the Cloud Shell pane.
Task 2: Review results of the script provisioning
- In the Azure portal, in the Search resources, services, and docs text box in the toolbar, search for and select Resource groups, and then, on the Resource groups page, select the AZ800-L0401-RG entry.
- On the AZ800-L0401-RG page, on the Overview page, review the list of resources, including the Azure VM az800l04-vmwac.
- In the list of resources, select the Azure VM az800l04-vmwac entry, and then, on the az800l04-vmwac page, select Networking.
On the **az800l04-vmwac Networking** page, on the Inbound port rules tab, note the entries representing the inbound port rule allowing connectivity on TCP port 5986 and the inbound rule allowing connectivity on TCP port 443.
Exercise 4: Verifying functionality of the Windows Admin Center gateway in Azure
Task 1: Connect to the Windows Admin Center gateway running in Azure VM
- On SEA-ADM1, start Microsoft Edge and go to the URL containing the fully qualified name of the target Azure VM hosting the Windows Admin Center installation you identified in the previous exercise.
- In Microsoft Edge window, disregard the message Your connection isn’t private, select Advanced, and then select the link starting with the text Continue to.
- When prompted, in the Sign in to access this site dialog box, sign in with the Student username and Pa55w.rd1234 password.
- On the All connections page of Windows Admin Center, select az800l04-vmwac [Gateway].
- Examine the Overview pane of Windows Admin Center.
Task 2: Enable PowerShell Remoting on an Azure VM
- On SEA-ADM1, switch to the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, and then, in the Search resources, services, and docs text box in the toolbar, search for and select Virtual machines.
- On the Virtual machines page, select az800l04-vm0.
- On the az800l04-vm0 page, in the Operations section, select Run command, and then select RunPowerShellScript.
- If Windows Remote Management is disabled, on the Run Command Script page, in the PowerShell Script section, enter the following command, and then select Run to enable it.Code
winrm quickconfig -quiet
- In the PowerShell Script section, replace the text you entered in the previous step with the following command, and then select Run to open the Windows Remote Management inbound port:Code
Set-NetFirewallRule -Name WINRM-HTTP-In-TCP-PUBLIC -RemoteAddress Any
- In the PowerShell Script section, replace the text you entered in the previous step with the following command, and then select Run to enable PowerShell Remoting:Code
Enable-PSRemoting -Force -SkipNetworkProfileCheck
Task 3: Connect to an Azure VM by using the Windows Admin Center gateway running in Azure VM
- On SEA-ADM1, in the Microsoft Edge window displaying the interface of the Windows Admin Center gateway running on the az800l04-vmwac Azure VM, select Windows Admin Center.
- On the All connections page, select + Add.
- On the Add or create resources page, in the Servers section, select Add.
- In the Server name text box, enter az800l04-vm0.
- Select the Use another account for this connection option, provide the Student username and Pa55w.rd1234 password, and then select Add with Credentials.
- In the list of connections, select az800l04-vm0
- After successfully connecting to the Azure VM, examine the Overview pane of the az800l04-vmwac Azure VM in Windows Admin Center.
Exercise 5: Deprovisioning the Azure environment
Task 1: Start a PowerShell session in Cloud Shell
- On SEA-ADM1, switch to the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal.
- In the Microsoft Edge window displaying the Azure portal, open the Cloud Shell pane by selecting the Cloud Shell icon.
Task 2: Identify all Azure resources provisioned in the lab
- From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following command to list all the resource groups created throughout this lab:Code
Get-AzResourceGroup -Name 'AZ800-L040*'
- Run the following command to delete all the resource groups you created throughout this lab:Code
Get-AzResourceGroup -Name 'AZ800-L040*' | Remove-AzResourceGroup -Force -AsJob
Note: The command executes asynchronously (as determined by the -AsJob parameter), so while you’ll be able to run another PowerShell command immediately afterwards within the same PowerShell session, it will take a few minutes before the resource groups are actually removed.